Trip computerの一部(2分の1、及び1分の1サイズ)でのみ表示できる、Lat/LonとLocationについては説明は見当たりませんでした。
以下Foretrex 301/401 Owner's Manual Rev Aより。
Data Field | Description |
ABM PRESS (ambient pressure) |
The uncalibrated current pressure. |
AVG ASCENT | The average vertical distance of ascent. |
AVG DESCNT (average descent) |
The average vertical distance of descent. |
BAROMETER | The calibrated current pressure. |
BEARING | The direction from your current location to a destination. |
CADENCE (GSC™ 10 required) |
Revolutions of the crank arm of strides per minute. |
COURSE | The direction from your staring location to a destination. |
ELEVATION | The altitude above or below sea level. |
FINAL DEST (destination) |
The last waypoint on your route. |
FINAL DIST (distance) |
The remaining distance to your final destination. |
FINAL ETA (estimated time of arrival) |
The estimated time of day you will reach your final destination. |
FINAL ETE (estimated time en route) |
The estimated time needed to reach your final destination. |
GLIDE RATIO | The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to the change in vertical distance. |
GR DEST (glide ratio destination) |
The glide ratio required to descend from your present position and elevation to the destination elevation. |
HEADING | Your moving direction. |
HEART RATE (hart rate monitor required) |
Hart rate in beats per minute (bmp) |
MAX ASCENT | The maximum ascent rate in feet/meter per minute. |
MAX DESCNT (maximum descent) |
The maximum descent rate in feet/meter per minute. |
MAX ELEVTN (maximum elevation) |
The highest elevation reached. |
MAX SPEED | The maximum speed. |
MIN ELEVTN (minimum elevation) |
The lowest elevation reached. |
MOV'N AVG (moving average) |
Average speed of the unit while moving. |
MOV'N TIME (moving time) |
A running tally of movement time elapsed since the last reset. |
NEXT DEST (destination) |
The next waypoint on your route. |
NEXT DIST (distance) |
The remaining distance to the next waypoint on the your route. |
NEXT ETA (estimated time of arrival) |
The estimated time of day you will reach the next waypoint on the route. |
NEXT ETE (estimated time en route) |
The estimated time needed until you reach the next waypoint on the route. |
ODOMETER | A running tally of distance traveled, based upon the distance between second-by-second position readings. |
OFF COURSE | The distance (left or right) your are from the original course (path of travel). |
OVER'L SPD (overall speed) |
Your average speed. |
SPEED | Display rate of current speed. |
STOP TIME | Time spent stopped. |
SUNRISE | Time of sunrise based on your GPS position. |
SUNSET | Time of sunset based on your GPS position. |
TIME | Current time of day based on your time settings (format, time zone, and daylight saving time). |
TO COURSE | The direction you must travel to return to the route. |
TOT ASCENT (total ascent) |
The total elevation distance ascended. |
TOT DESCNT (total descent) |
The total elevation distance descended. |
TOTAL TIME | A running tally of time since the last reset. |
TRIP ODOM (odometer) |
A running tally of distance traveled since last the reset |
TURN | The angle difference (in degrees) between the bearing to your destination and your current line of travel. 'L' means turn left. 'R' means turn right. |
VERT SPEED (vertical) |
Your rate of altitude gain/loss over time. |
VMG (velocity made good) |
The speed at which you are closing on a destination along a route. |
VSPD DEST (vertical speed destination) |
The measurement of your rate ascent/descent to a predetermined altitude. |
HEART RATEおよびCADENCEはオプションのセンサが必要になります。
HEART RATEは文字通り心拍数です。ケイデンスは、自転車では常に一定の速度でペダルを漕ぐほうが効率がいいらしく、上り坂や下り坂では変速機を使用してペダル回転数を調整します。そのために現在の回転数を知るためのセンサが必要になるようです。
HEART RATEのbmpはおそらくbpmの事だと思います。
AMV PRESSUREは未校正の気圧、BAROMETERは校正済みの気圧を表示します。校正というのは高度による気圧変化のことで。未校正では現在の高度の気圧(おそらく計測値そのまま)を、校正済みはGPSにより校正された海面気圧を表示します。また、この校正済みの気圧は手動でも変更することができます(SET UP > ALTIMETER > CALIBRATE)。
Lat/Lon, Locationについて
Ft 401の位置表示にはLat/LonとLocationの2種類を選択できます(同時に表示することもできます)。Lat/LonはDD MM.MMM(Lat), DDD MM.MMM(Lon)のフォーマットで表示されます。対してLocationでは SETUP > UNITS > POSITION FORMATで選択したフォーマットで表示されます。H D°M'S.S"を選択すれば度分秒形式で表示されます。他にもMGRSやUTMで表示することもできます。UTMの地図が入手できるのであれば距離を簡単に計算できるので便利です。MGRSグリッド入りの地図を入手するのは簡単ではないと思いますが、例えば地理院地図では 機能 > 設定 からUTMグリッドをONにすればMGRSの表示が可能です。
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